The Typhon School of Wizardry and Magic, established in the early 1900s on a native reservation, hides a dark history. It expelled shape wolves, mystical beings merging wolves and wizards, creating lasting conflicts. Despite its grandeur, the school's past continues to shape its present, affecting the dynamics between humans and shape wolves in the wizarding community.

At Typhon, four houses thrive: Owlsong, known for compassion, wisdom, and loyalty; FrostFang, renowned for strength, bravery, and stubbornness; DragonClaw, celebrated for intelligence, resourcefulness, and assertiveness; and SerpentsEye, admired for their majestic nature, ambition, and hard work.

Our story revolves around Luna Moonstone, a captivating and wise student from Owlsong. With a deep connection to the magical arts, Luna excels in divination and charms. Her loyalty and belief in love make her a cherished friend. Alongside Luna is her best friend, Asher Blackwood, representing FrostFang. Asher commands attention with his enigmatic charm and mastery of ice magic. Driven by a compassionate heart, he seeks to uncover the mysteries of his heritage. Ambition and power define Asher's magical journey.

Luna, feeling a growing unease at Typhon, stumbles upon a legend involving a black wolf and an enigmatic curse. This leads her to discover the haunting tale of Sable Black Wolf, a wizard with ties to both the shape wolves and the school. Sable's ancestors were embroiled in a bloody conflict between wizards and shape wolves, fueling his burning desire to awaken his dormant powers and transform wizards into shape wolves. In his failed battle against the headmaster, he left behind a dormant curse, awaiting a new bearer to unleash its dark forces upon the world.

After Luna and Asher uncover this information, Typhon falls under attack by Vespus Bloodthorn, the 7th Brother of the Black Knives, a sinister wizard cult. This malevolent group consists of seven members, with lower numbers indicating greater power and influence. Vespus, driven by an insatiable hunger for power, wields his infamous black knife wand as a symbol of authority. Obsessed with obtaining the Curse of Black Wolf, he stops at nothing to unravel its immense power.

Luna and Asher manage to unlock the secret spell, but before they can conceal it, Vespus discovers them, leading them deep into the foreboding dark forest.